How To Fish Big Lake
Big Lake Fishing Report

Big Lake is a mountain small lake that sits 218 miles away from Phoenix, Arizona.
Overall it’s a relatively quiet lake nestled just south of Pinetop, Arizona on the Apache Reservation. In this post, you’re going to be given the blueprint to fish this lake.
So what are the best tips for fishing Big Lake? There are three important factors you must know if you want to know how to fish Big Lake successfully. First, you need to know what kind of fish is in Big Lake. Second, it’s important for you to know which part of the lake each species can be found in. Lastly, knowing what are the best baits that work on Big Lake is vital. However, tactics, baits, and locations will be different for each type of fish that you target. So let’s talk about the steps you need to take in order to give you the best chance of catching a fish on Big Lake.
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About Big Lake
Big Lake is a shallow body of water with the average depth being 15 feet and a maximum depth of 35 feet when the lake is completely full. Being 1.3 miles long and 0.35 miles across. This reservoir plays a vital role in snowfall runoff retention. Located in the eastern part of Arizona, Big Lake gives locals and visitors the opportunity to test their luck in catching a huge rainbow trout, cutthroat trout, brook trout, and brown trout.
Important Lake Warnings
Algae blooms may be present which may affect fishing, swimming, and water contact in general.
Maximum 10-HP for gas engines on the lake.
If you are fishing and camping, fire bans may be in effect due to the ongoing drought conditions.
Per the White Mountain Apache Tribe website*; “A valid White Mountain Apache Tribal Permit is required and must be carried at all times while fishing, boating, camping, sight-seeing and other outdoor recreation activities on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation”
What Kinds of Fish Are In Big Lake
- Rainbow Trout
- Brown Trout
- Tiger Trout
- Cutthroat Trout
- Sunfish
- Catfish

Big Lake Fishing Tips & General Strategies

It can be a challenge to break down Big Lake and decide to get started.
Getting started, Big Lake is a stained water lake and fishing can be tough.
The primary structures are going to be a large creek channel that runs down the middle of the lake.
The banks vary from semi-steep to gentle sloping. Most banks consist of chunk rock and pea-gravel. Some areas have sand and clay.
By far you’ll have the best opportunity to catch a fish if you can present your bait to fish that are in deep water.
Trout in this lake are extremely pelagic and hunt in small schools.

This lake is absolutely beautiful, open, and accessible to nearly everybody. It’s convenient since there are paths that go along the lake’s shore.
Often you’ll see a huge herd of Elk grazing on the hills is regularly visible in the early morning and late evening.
You can easily fish from the shore or from a boat or kayak.
Trout can be found up shallow in the winter and spring. However, trout will often suspend over deep water and more importantly in water temperatures that range from 55.5-56.5-degrees.
Your best chance of catching deep suspending rainbow trout is by trolling your lure with a quality downrigger. Otherwise, you can drift or slow troll trout using a fly, corn, wax worm, salmon egg, or PowerBait.
But where are the best places to fish At Big Lake?
And in no particular order here is that list of the best fishing spots at Big Lake.
DISCLAIMER: The material provided is for general information purposes only. It’s important to understand that any information provided in this article can change at any time. Any maps or graphics featured are not to be used as navigational aids. Fishing Blueprint will not be responsible for any personal injury or property damage from any misuse of the maps or graphics provided. It’s completely impossible to give you every single spot where you can potentially catch a fish. But, what this list does do is to give you a helping hand and narrow down to the most productive fishing spots.
Big Lake Dam

Fishing around the dam provides you access to the deepest water this lake has to offer.
Its important that you graph this area to see what depth the trout are holding at. Then you can easily adjust your lure depth to just above the suspending depth.
This section of the lake can get very windy. And even with the best trolling motor, the wind can quickly blow you off your spot which will significantly decrease your chances of catching a fish..
That is why we strongly suggest buying a quality drift sock. For those who don’t know, a drift sock is like a parachute for the water. If it’s breezy to windy, you need to slow your drift otherwise your lure will not be in the strike zone long enough to catch a fish.
By the way, we found a really good quality drift sock made by Mythik Outdoors, and best of all they’re sold on Go here to learn more about drift socks and read the reviews from actual customers.
Some of the effective baits for this area include:
But wait! Before you tie on any bait nearly every professional fishing guide will strongly encourage the use of a fish attractor like a quality flasher or dodger 2-3 feet in front of any lure. This helps get the fish’s attention, kinda like ringing a dinner bell!
Trolling spoons such as a Krocodile spoon, Super Duper, Crippled Herring, Cast Champ, or Hus-Lure. Trolling spoons have an unpredictable, minnow-like motion that delivers bone-crushing strikes. Even the slowest current brings these lures to life. Add extra motion by twitching the rod tip and enabling the bait to pop and dart forward and flutter back.
Inline spinners such as the Bang-Tail and Shyster are non-twist spinners that boast an immediate spin blade design for incredibly rapid start-ups and the best slow retrieve performance.
Many anglers also place their confidence in the Blue Fox Classic Vibrax inline spinner. This little bait is a compact shallow running lure that performs best in 2 to 6 feet of water, depending on the speed of the retrieve or trolling speed. The patented two-part body emits low-frequency sound vibrations that attract fish. This lure is best used in lakes, rivers, and streams.
Minnow style baits also work very well either cast-and-retrieved or trolled. These perform best if the water is clear/slightly stained. The Luhr-Jensen Quick Fish and the Rapala BX minnow are constructed from hard plastic, have a wide wobble action, and are extremely durable. Whereas the Rapala Original Floating Minnow and the Ultra Light Minnow (all are slow sinking) both give you a tighter wobble perfect for clear water and pressured fishing conditions.
Better yet, just buy a complete done-for-you trout lure kit!
Now if you’re fishing from the shore, kayak, or even from the shore you should also consider using these additional baits:
- Real or artificial corn – great because it will never spoil or mold over
- Natural salmon eggs – it’s hard to beat natural salmon eggs when trout are eating salmon eggs, they’ll eat up jars of this stuff!
- Artificial salmon eggs – great because they float off the bottom – ideal in rocky or grassy conditions
- Real worms – such as meal worms or nightcrawlers
- Artificial worms – great for trolling and will never die)
- Dough bait – great because they stay on the hook really well, it floats if you put enough on the hook, comes in a variety of colors and scents.
- Wet flies (sinking flies) – Wet flies imitate insects that develop and inhabit below the water level before emerging and rising to the surface.
- Woolly bugger flies – One of the most popular fly patterns ever is the Woolly Bugger. These mimic small fish, leeches, larvae, and worms.
Oh, before I forget, did you know that there is an article about how to troll for salmon, trout, and kokanee the right way? Go here to find out more.
Located: western end of the lake
Structural features: deep water
Best species to target: trout
Most effective way to fish this spot: boat, kayak, float tube, shoreline
Middle Peninsula

This main lake peninsula is surrounded by deep water and can be an excellent area to fish from the bank or troll if the trout are deeper in the summer.
Some of the effective baits for this area include: Fish attractor (ie: flasher or dodger), trolling spoons, inline spinners, Rapala minnows, Quick Fish, streamers and flies. You can also use real or artificial corn, natural salmon eggs, artificial salmon eggs, real worms such as meal worms or nightcrawlers, artificial worms, and dough bait. Better yet, just buy a complete done-for-you trout lure kit!
Located: northern side of the lake
Structural features: point dropping into deeper water
Best species to target: trout
Most effective way to fish this spot: boat, kayak, float tube, shoreline
Mid Lake/ In Front Of The Boat Ramps

This main lake area still steeply drops into deep water and can be an excellent area to fish from the bank or troll if the trout are deeper in the summer.
Some of the effective baits for this area include: fish attractor (ie: flasher or dodger), trolling spoons, inline spinners, Rapala minnows, Quick Fish, streamers and flies. You can also use real or artificial corn, natural salmon eggs, artificial salmon eggs, real worms such as meal worms or nightcrawlers, artificial worms, and dough bait. Better yet, just buy a complete done-for-you trout lure kit!
Located: northern side of the lake
Structural features: steep banks dropping into deep water
Best species to target: trout
Most effective way to fish this spot: boat, kayak, float tube, shoreline
How To Catch A Fish In Big Lake
Rainbow Trout
Arizona Game & Fish Department grow and stocks local lakes and reservoirs like this lake with Rainbow Trout.
Due to this lake being relatively unpressured, deep, and colder, and most other desert reservoirs, the stocked trout do very well.
Since the trout are produced in local fisheries, they are healthy and have no limit on the amount of trout that can be consumed.
Typically trout are stocked twice a week, however, it can vary.
General Trout Details
Spawn: March-May
Food: insects and crustaceans.
Arizona State Record: 15 lb. 9.12 oz. 32.5 in., Willow Springs Lake Harold Wright, Sun City 9/29/06
Table Quality: Depending on the fishes diet, the meat can be white to orange-red in color. The meat is firm, flaky, and is considered excellent eating.
Angling techniques:
- Trolling with or without downriggers
- Fish attractor: 6in Shasta Tackle UV sling blade or a Jensen Trout & Kokanee Dodger in blue, silver in clear water, or chartreuse, bright pink in stained water.
- Trolling spoons such as a Krocodile spoon, Super Duper, Crippled Herring, Cast Champ, or Hus-Lure – simple, easy to use, can be trolled or cast-retrieved at any speed.
- Inline spinners such as the Bang-Tail and Shyster – gets a ton of bites.
- Minnow style baits such as the Luhr-Jensen Quick Fish and the Rapala BX minnow – known to hook up giant fish.
- Real or artificial corn – great because it will never spoil or mold over.
- Natural salmon eggs – it’s hard to beat natural salmon eggs at bait. When trout are eating salmon eggs, they’ll eat up a couple of jars in less than an hour!
- Artificial salmon eggs – great because they float off the bottom – ideal in rocky or grassy conditions.
- Real worms – such as meal worms or nightcrawlers.
- Artificial worms – great for trolling and will never die.
- Dry flies (floating flies) – The insects that land, float, or live on top of the water, which are represented by dry flies. Investing in a kit gives you a wide assortment of flies and a good selection of types and sizes allow you to quickly adjust to any situation.
- Wet flies (sinking flies) – Wet flies imitate insects that develop and inhabit below the water level before emerging and rising to the surface. Investing in a kit gives you a wide assortment of flies and a good selection of types and sizes allow you to quickly adjust to any situation.
- Woolly bugger flies – One of the most popular fly patterns ever is the Woolly Bugger. These mimic small fish, leeches, larvae, and worms. Investing in a kit gives you a wide assortment of flies and a good selection of types and sizes allow you to quickly adjust to any situation.
Steamer flies – They can also mimic larger animals found in streams and rivers, including crawfish, larger leeches, and smaller fish. Investing in a kit gives you a wide assortment of flies and a good selection of types and sizes allow you to quickly adjust to any situation.
- **The number one key to successful trout fishing, is to use light line (2 to 6 pound) and small hooks (10-14 sizes), and small sinkers
Brook Trout
Brook trout are the only fish in Arizona with a vermiculate appearance on their backs and upper sides that appears wavy, almost worm-like.
They have red specks encircled by blue halos and are olive-green to olive-brown in color, with reddish tints.
Pectoral, pelvic, and anal fins with white-leading edges are the most prominent features of a brook trout.
Brook trout are opportunistic eaters who eat tiny crawfish, worms, minnows, and terrestrial and aquatic invertebrates.
They eat whatever is accessible to them. Anglers love them because they can accept a variety of flies and lures and are not as finicky as other species of trout.
Brook trout fishing is comparable to rainbow trout fishing in rivers or lakes.
Brook trout love spinners. The best spinners are: Bang-Tail (size 018), Blue Foxes (blade size-0), Kastmasters (1/16-ounce), Panther Martins spinners, Little Cleo spoons (1/16-ounce), and Shyster spinners (size 018).
Worms and natural bugs like grasshoppers, woolly buggers, and floating flies are great patterns to consider.
General Brook Trout Details
Spawn: October-November
Food: Insects, small fish, and crustaceans.
Arizona State Record: 4 lbs 15 oz. Caught 10/20/1995 by Marshall Gregg in Sunrise Lake.
Table Quality: Depending on the fishes diet, the meat can be white to orange-red in color. The meat is firm, flaky, and is considered excellent eating.
Angling techniques:
- Trolling with or without downriggers
- Fish attractor: 6in Shasta Tackle UV sling blade or a Jensen Trout & Kokanee Dodger in blue, silver in clear water, or chartreuse, bright pink in stained water.
- Trolling spoons such as a Krocodile spoon, Super Duper, Crippled Herring, Cast Champ, or Hus-Lure – simple, easy to use, can be trolled or cast-retrieved at any speed.
- Inline spinners such as the Bang-Tail and Shyster – gets a ton of bites.
- Minnow style baits such as the Luhr-Jensen Quick Fish and the Rapala BX minnow – known to hook up giant fish.
- Real or artificial corn – great because it will never spoil or mold over.
- Natural salmon eggs – it’s hard to beat natural salmon eggs when trout are eating salmon eggs, they’ll eat up jars of this stuff!
- Artificial salmon eggs – great because they float off the bottom – ideal in rocky or grassy conditions.
- Real worms – such as meal worms or nightcrawlers.
- Artificial worms – great for trolling and will never die.
- Dry flies (floating flies) – The insects that land, float, or live on top of the water, which are represented by dry flies.Investing in a kit gives you a wide assortment of flies and a good selection of types and sizes allow you to quickly adjust to any situation.
- Wet flies (sinking flies) – Wet flies imitate insects that develop and inhabit below the water level before emerging and rising to the surface. Investing in a kit gives you a wide assortment of flies and a good selection of types and sizes allow you to quickly adjust to any situation.
- Woolly bugger flies – One of the most popular fly patterns ever is the Woolly Bugger. These mimic small fish, leeches, larvae, and worms. Investing in a kit gives you a wide assortment of flies and a good selection of types and sizes allow you to quickly adjust to any situation.
Steamer flies – They can also mimic larger animals found in streams and rivers, including crawfish, larger leeches, and smaller fish. Investing in a kit gives you a wide assortment of flies and a good selection of types and sizes allow you to quickly adjust to any situation.
- **The number one key to successful trout fishing, is to use light line (2 to 6 pound) and small hooks (10-14 sizes), and small sinkers
Brown Trout
In Arizona, this is the only fish with both red and black patches on its body.
A pale/off-white halo usually surrounds dark patches on the sides.
On the back, the color ranges from dark to olive brown, dipping to yellow on the sides, and yellow or white on the belly.
In larger fish, breeding males have lower chin that will create a hooked jaw. The corner of the mouth extends past the eye, resulting in a huge mouth.
Brown trout are not native to Arizona, nor to North America for that matter. They were first imported to California in 1893 and originated in Europe.
Brown trout will commonly feed during the day if they are not bothered. Larger fish, on the other hand, are mainly nocturnal.
Brown trout are very aggressive feeders and will readily eat a streamer fly, casting upstream or into the wind.
Artificial baits such as in-line spinners or small Rapala minnow bait work phenomenally.
Live nightcrawlers, or minnows on a #6-#8 hooks are excellent baits.
If you can find any waterfall or spillway, spend some time fishing it because brown trout will often wait to ambush any prey that happens to drift over them in those areas.
Likewise, if you’re in a boat on the main lake some of the best ways to catch brown trout is to troll for these behemoths.
General Trout Details
Spawn: October-December
Food: Insects, small fish and crustaceans.
Arizona State Record: 22 lbs 14.5 oz. Caught 08/06/1999 in Reservation Lake.
Table Quality: Depending on the fishes diet, the meat can be white to orange-red in color. The meat is firm, flaky, and is considered excellent eating.
Angling techniques:
- Trolling with or without downriggers
- Fish attractor: 6in Shasta Tackle UV sling blade or a Jensen Trout & Kokanee Dodger in blue, silver in clear water, or chartreuse, bright pink in stained water.
- Trolling spoons such as a Krocodile spoon, Super Duper, Crippled Herring, Cast Champ, or Hus-Lure – simple, easy to use, can be trolled or cast-retrieved at any speed.
- Inline spinners such as the Bang-Tail and Shyster – gets a ton of bites.
- Minnow style baits such as the Luhr-Jensen Quick Fish and the Rapala BX minnow – known to hook up giant fish.
- Real or artificial corn – great because it will never spoil or mold over.
- Natural salmon eggs – it’s hard to beat natural salmon eggs when trout are eating salmon eggs, they’ll eat up jars of this stuff!
- Artificial salmon eggs – great because they float off the bottom – ideal in rocky or grassy conditions.
- Real worms – such as meal worms or nightcrawlers.
- Artificial worms – great for trolling and will never die.
- Dry flies (floating flies) – The insects that land, float, or live on top of the water, which are represented by dry flies.Investing in a kit gives you a wide assortment of flies and a good selection of types and sizes allow you to quickly adjust to any situation.
- Wet flies (sinking flies) – Wet flies imitate insects that develop and inhabit below the water level before emerging and rising to the surface. Investing in a kit gives you a wide assortment of flies and a good selection of types and sizes allow you to quickly adjust to any situation.
- Woolly bugger flies – One of the most popular fly patterns ever is the Woolly Bugger. These mimic small fish, leeches, larvae, and worms. Investing in a kit gives you a wide assortment of flies and a good selection of types and sizes allow you to quickly adjust to any situation.
Steamer flies – They can also mimic larger animals found in streams and rivers, including crawfish, larger leeches, and smaller fish. Investing in a kit gives you a wide assortment of flies and a good selection of types and sizes allow you to quickly adjust to any situation.
- **The number one key to successful trout fishing, is to use light line (2 to 6 pound) and small hooks (10-14 sizes), and small sinkers

Channel catfish weight will range from 0.5-to-15-pounds in and of the Roosevelt chain lakes, including Canyon Lake. However, the average weight will be between 1-4-pounds.

Conversely, “smaller” flathead catfish will weigh in at 15-pounds and can grow around 75-pounds. A flathead survey conducted in 2016 and 2020 caught a flathead that weighed over 48-pounds!
General Catfish Details
Spawn: March-June
Food: Carp, bluegill
Arizona State Record:
Channel catfish – 33 lb., 5.76 oz., 39.5 in., Upper Lake Mary Carson Pete, 3/26/17
Flathead catfish – 76 lb. 8.64 oz., 53.5 in., Bartlett Lake Eddie Wilcoxson, Surprise 04/13/13
Table Quality: Soft white meat. In the summer the meat will taste muddy.
Angling techniques:
Flathead catfish:
- live bait such as smaller carp, full sized bluegill, or tilapia
Channel catfish:
- chicken liver
- hotdogs
- stink bait
- small bluegill
- small carp
Bluegill/ Sunfish
Introduced to Arizona in 1932, the bluegill has teal-blue coloring on the bottom portion of the chin and gill plate. It also has a solid black opercula flap just behind the gill plate.
Bluegill are found on the shoreline and prefer nearby structures. Bluegill are incredibly aggressive and will quickly attack anything that looks like it could be eaten. Due to their aggressive behavior, they are one of the easiest fish to catch and are a great way to introduce someone to fishing.
Spawn: April and May
Food: Small fish and insects
Arizona State Record: 3 lb. 15.68 oz. 15.75 in., Goldwater Lake. Christopher Ray Mapes, Prescott Valley 5/2/04
Table Quality: Firm, white meat
Angling techniques:
- Worms
- Dough balls
- Slim jim sausages pieces on a small hook (not lying… it really works)
- Small spinners
- Trout flys
Boat Ramps at Big Lake

Big Lake Recreation Area
Location: south end of the lake
Lanes: 2
Groceries available: yes
Gas: Yes
Bathrooms: yes
Showers: no
Electric: no
Camping nearby: yes
Big Lake South Cove Boating Site
Lanes: 2
Groceries available: yes
Gas: no
Bathrooms: yes
Showers: no
Electric: no
Camping nearby: yes
Railroad Cove Boat Launch
Lanes: 2
Groceries available: yes
Gas: no
Bathrooms: yes
Showers: no
Electric: no
Camping nearby: yes
Marinas at Big Lake
Big Lake Tackle and Supply
Location: FS road 8115 store front, Greer, AZ 85927
Phone number: (928) 521-1387
Nearby boat ramp: yes
Groceries available: yes
Gas: yes
Bathrooms: yes
Showers: no
Electric: yes
Camping nearby: yes
Top Tackle Shops Near Big Lake

Big Lake Tackle and Supply
Located on Big Lake.
FS road 8115 store front, Greer, AZ 85927
(928) 521-1387
Sportsman’s Warehouse
4421 S White Mountain Rd, Show Low, AZ 85901
(928) 537-0800
White Mountain Bait & Tackle
1300 W McNeil, Show Low, AZ 85901
(928) 537-2402
M&M Kayaks
1488 E White Mountain Blvd, Pinetop, AZ 85935
(928) 358-1183
Hon Dah Ski & Outdoor Sport
787 AZ-260, Pinetop, AZ 85935
(928) 369-7669
Places to Camp, Lodging and RV parks

Rainbow campground
E Sitgreaves, Show Low, AZ 85901
- Sites – 165 total.
- RV sites: available
- Standard tent sites: available
- “Four double sites are available for up to 16 people each, which is convenient for larger families”, per site
- “Two single unit accessible sites are also available”, per site
- Dump station available: Yes
- Fish cleaning station available: Yes
- Low season: October – March
- High season: April – September
- Concrete Pads: Yes
- Pets welcome: Yes
- Fire Ring: Yes
- Picnic Table: Yes
- Nearby gas: Yes
- Nearby place to buy firewood: Yes
- Nearby place to buy groceries
- Campground map – click here
- Reservations – click here
Grayling Campground
Big Lake Rd, Springerville, AZ 85901
(928) 333-4301
- Sites – 23 total.
- RV sites: available
- Standard tent sites: available
- Dump station available: Yes
- Fish cleaning station available: Yes
- Low season: October – March
- High season: April – September
- Concrete Pads: Yes
- Pets welcome: Yes
- Fire Ring: Yes
- Picnic Table: Yes
- Nearby gas: Yes
- Nearby place to buy firewood: Yes
- Nearby place to buy groceries
- Campground map – click here
- Reservations – click here
Cutthroat campground
Big Lake Rd, Greer, AZ 85927
(928) 735-7313
- Sites – 18 total.
- Tent only
- Dump station available: Yes
- Fish cleaning station available: Yes
- Low season: October – March
- High season: April – September
- Concrete Pads: Yes
- Pets welcome: Yes
- Fire Ring: Yes
- Picnic Table: Yes
- Nearby gas: Yes
- Nearby place to buy firewood: Yes
- Nearby place to buy groceries
- Campground map – click here
- Reservations – click here
Apache campground
Big Lake Rd, Greer, AZ 85927
(928) 537-8888
- Sites – 86 total.
- The campground is especially convenient for small to medium sized groups. Campsites are diverse and offer a wide range of options, per site.
- There are 22 double sites, one group site that can accommodate 50 people, another that can hold 100 and more than 20 individual sites, per site.
- This is the only campground in the lake recreation area that has sites with full hookups. Flush toilets and showers offer additional convenience, per site.
- Dump station available: Yes
- Fish cleaning station available: Yes
- Low season: October – March
- High season: April – September
- Concrete Pads: Yes
- Pets welcome: Yes
- Fire Ring: Yes
- Picnic Table: Yes
- Nearby gas: Yes
- Nearby place to buy firewood: Yes
- Nearby place to buy groceries
- Campground map – click here
- Reservations – click here
Other Activities You Can Do at Big Lake

For those who want to chill at the lake…
- Biking
- Bird watching
- Boating
- Skiing
- Kayaking
- Canoeing
- Paddleboarding
- Sailing
- Swimming
- Camping
- Horseshoes
- Picnicking
- Hiking
- Gentle walking trails
- Nature photography trails
- Wildlife viewing
- Mountain biking
- Stargazing
- and most importantly… relaxing.
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