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2024 Buyers Guide Best GREEN FISHING LIGHT [LED FISHING LIGHTS Reviews & Tips]

How To Easily Catch Fish Easily At Night Without Dealing With Psychotic Recreational Boaters, Sizzling Heat, And Excessive Fishing Pressure

photo: Chris_Canning

I used to go out fishing in the middle of summer and hated it. The scorching heat, recreational boaters, and excessive amount of daytime fishing pressure just made it too much.

Then, I found a quick and easy way for summertime fishing. Now I never have to worry about sunburn or dehydration.  Best of all I bring the fish to me all from one spot!

It may sound a little crazy, but it’s true. 

The technique I’m talking about using a green light for fishing. 

What I didn’t realize is night fishing is gaining immense popularity globally. People love to escape after a hard day of work and try to do some fishing before the sun sets.

However, after the sun has dipped under the horizon fishing can get pretty hard. And one of the biggest problems is visibility.

During the night, it isn’t easy to spot the fish. Not only that, it is challenging and downright dangerous navigating on a dark lake.  

This is where the green light fishing comes into the picture.

Why fish with a green light you ask?  Well I’m here it tell you it undoubtedly has it’s benefits.

  • Underwater green fishing lights instantly attract baitfish which in turn attract the predator fish you’ll want to target.
  • Set up is quick and easy.
  • You can fish with a green LED fishing light from a boat, kayak, dock, or from the bank.
  • Stay put – Avoid navigating in dark conditions could cause damage to your boat, personal injury, or worse!

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Key Takeaways

If you don’t have much time to read the detailed reviews, simply use the links below to quickly find the best products for the money on Amazon. You can be assured we only choose the best products…

Best Overall Green LED Fishing Light – Fire Water Marine 25″ MAXX LED Light 

Best Budget – Lightingsky 180 Submersible LED Fishing Light

Editors Choice – Green Blob Underwater 15,000 Lumen LED Fishing Light

What Exactly Is A Green Light For Fishing?

Green fishing light, as the name itself suggests, it’s a green light on the water or the surface of the water. It has been proven that plankton (tiny water dwelling animals) and fish are attracted to this green light. That is why fishes will come to your lure, and after that, it becomes easier for you to have a huge catch.

Still wondering about what exactly is the principle behind green fishing light?

We will highlight that below.

How Are Fish Attracted To Green Light?

photo: Wiki CC 

Through extensive studies on plankton (called zooplanton in the scientific community) fish, has demonstrated in several lab tests[1] that plankton most attracted to light underwater. More so, green light especially.

The green color has the shortest wavelength, therefore it can travel farther and penetrate into a deeper water as well. Meaning the light isn’t absorbed very well in the water. When that happens, more phytoplankton will notice the green light and get attracted to it.

Once they get attracted to the light, it triggers the rest of the food chain to be stimulated as well. 

This is how it works…

First, the light attracts the plankton.

Then, tiny bait fish such as glass minnows, shad, or herring will also be attracted to the light and their food source the plankton. In time the bait fish will start to swim around light and form a bait ball.

Lastly, the larger predator fish will follow the bait fish and congregate around or beneath the light edges. Eventually, they’ll start to eat up any bait fish that strays too far from the light.

Quite often you’ll see lightning fast silver streaks darting through the bait ball. That’s the predatory fish eating the forage fish!


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What Are The Advantages & Disadvantages Of Using a Green Light for Fishing?

Once you are aware of the advantages and disadvantages of green light for fishing, you can make a more accurate buying decision.


1. Bring the fish to you making fishing easier:

For those who opt for night fishing many don’t want to try to navigate the lake when it’s dark. So by using a green light for fishing you actually bring the fish to you!

2. Easy to use:

Unlike other lights or fishing gear, there is no learning curve when it comes to green fishing light.

Whether you use the submersible one or whether you use the floating one, all you need to do is just turn on the light. Once you turn on the light, you have to dip it into the water. If it is a submersible one, you have to lower the rope up to a certain length.

Either way, you need not do a lot of things to make it work.

You have to just turn it on, and the fish will get attracted to it.

Thus, green fishing lights are the easiest to operate. Also, their effective results ensure that there is no reason why you shouldn’t use them.

3. Portable:

Fishing lights are now more portable than ever.  In the past night fishermen were only given the option of a floating light.

Now since the LED have come around fishing lights are smaller, lighter, and brighter than ever before.

Most fishing lights are quite compact, and some of them even come with their case or carry bag.

A green fishing light paired with lithium-iron batteries makes for a pretty light rig that you can even carry in your backpack..

4. Higher visibility:

The primary aim of the green fishing light is to attract more fish. Once the bait fish get attracted, getting a the predator fish to bite undoubtedly possible.

There is, however, a secondary benefit of green fishing lights as well.

They increase your visibility as well. Better visibility can allow you to move your boat around. Not only that, it can increase your situational awareness as well.

Whichever way you look at it, the higher visibility can certainly benefit you during night fishing.

So, there are advantages of green lights for fishing.

There is, however, a disadvantage as well. Before you make up your decision, look at the disadvantages well.


1. Can attract insects and other pests as well:

The downside to using these lights (especially a floating light) sometimes, pesky mosquito, gnats, or other bugs can get attracted to the light.

In that case, you have to be more careful while fishing.

However, if you’re using a submersible light just lower it down another 3-5 feet and it should take care of that problem.

2. Cost

Investing in a large green LED fishing light and battery can be relatively expensive.

Luckily you can avoid that by buying a smaller light, making your own LED fishing light, and buying multiple smaller batteries.

Another point to remember is you can buy a portable car jumper battery kit that gives you multiple uses for the same product.

Did You Know There Are Quite A Few Types Lights For Fishing?

We will cover the 2 most common types below so that you can know more about such fishing lights.

1. Floating green LED fishing light:

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Floating fishing light, as the name itself suggests, will float on the surface of the water.

Since the light is penetrating, it will reach greater depths as well. It means that the fishes will notice it easily.

Here are some advantages of using a floating LED fishing light:

Here are some disadvantages of using a floating LED fishing light:

2. Underwater green LED fishing light:

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Most underwater fishing lights are made from LED light strips wrapped around PVC pipe.

One of the ends are weighted down, while the other end has the power cord.

All pipe-style lights are required dropped below the surface and illuminated.

Most of the time the best depth keep the light at is 5-10 feet below the surface using a long with a long rope or extension cord.

    Here are some advantages of using a underwater LED fishing light:

    Here are some disadvantages of using a underwater LED fishing light:

    Thus, when planning to use green lights, it is essential to find out about the types. Only when you are aware of the types can you make the right decision.

    Before we share the best green light for fishing with you, it is time to look at the advantages and disadvantages of the same.

    Best All Around Winner!

    Fire Water Marine 25" MAXX LED Green Underwater Submersible Night Fishing Light

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    But, why is the Fire Water Marine 25" MAXX LED Light is so awesome?

    This light can do nearly everything and is well worth the investment.

    For those who want a premium underwater fishing light the Fire Water Marine 25″ MAXX LED Light is by far the best choice – here’s why…

    Beginning with the main unit…

    Let’s start out by saying this fishing light could easily be sold between $300-$400 and it would be worth every penny.

    I had the opportunity to speak with a Fire Water representative. 

    He explained, the company took a hard look their own best-selling product and asked themselves how can they make the light even better?

    So after months of reengineering, Fire Water built the 25″ MAXX LED fishing light. 

    Taking advantage of ever improving technology Fire Water upgraded the LED lights to the brightest lights on the market.

    Furthermore, they were able to fit more lights into same area increasing brightness. 

    "I looked around at others selling the same size and this by far will give you the best bang for your buck. It lights up so much it looks like a huge UFO is under the water!"

    Then they upgraded external light cover to a crystal-clear tube and sealed the unit with improved salt water resistant sealant. 

    Not stopping there, Fire Water switched out the cord to a heavy duty all-weather electrical cord. 

    Next they gave anglers peace of mind adding alligator strong clamps with a 5 amp fuse included at no additional cost.

    Clean up is a snap, simply remove the claps from the battery and wind up the cord and your done! 

    Lastly, the skinny tube profile design fit’s snug in your boat’s storage compartment or gym bag without any sharp edges that could damage something.

    Tech Specs:

    Best Budget

    Lightingsky 180 Submersible LED Fishing Light

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    About Lightingsky 180 Submersible LED Fishing Light...

    If you’re on budget and you want get into bass fishing with a baitcaster, you may want to consider the Lightingsky 180 Submersible LED Fishing Light

    The Lightingsky 180 Submersible LED Fishing Light has been the starting light for thousands of anglers. 

    The rod is not as bright as the Fire Water Marine 25″ MAXX LED Light, but it’s still bright enough to attract fish.

    The light is small, light and very compact.

    In fact, this fishing light is the lightest weight that was tested, so if you’re having to carry all your gear to your fishing spot you should consider this light. 

    The overall construction could be a little beefier and the wire feels a little flimsy, but overall acceptable. 

    In summary: Although this is clearly an entry level LED fishing light it’s still a good choice that seems very dependable.

    Tech Specs:

    Editor's Choice

    Green Blob Outdoors High Power 15000 Lumens New Fishing Underwater Light

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    But, why is the Green Blob Underwater Light a great choice?

    The Green Blob Underwater LED Fishing Light have been one of the most sought after and relyable submersible fishing lights on the market, that’s why it made the Editor’s Choice. 

    The Green Blog offers all the bells and whistles any night angler demands from fishing light.

    This light boasts a 15,000 lumen output! Now that is BRIGHT! 

    You’ll be given over 50,000 hours of continuous use and since it’s made from premium super bright LED lights it will not over heat. 

    Researching this light revealed that the Green Blob is preferred by fishing guides across the US. 

    Lastly, is this light isn’t cheap. You’ll be paying a little more for this professional grade light that will give you years of fish catching fun.

    Tech Specs:

    Traditional Floating Fishing Light

    NightBlaster Floating Fish-N-Lite
    • Waterproof plastic won't corrode with long-term use.
    • Designed for salt or freshwater use.
    • 8' cord with battery clips.
    • Fully submersible.

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    What’s The Best Battery For Your LED Fishing Light?

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    To power whichever fishing light you pick, you have a few alternatives.

    Understandably, you’ll need a battery that is light weight and will last you a full night of fishing regardless if you’re fishing from a boat, kayak, or from the shore. 

    Therefore, I strongly recommend buying a lithium-iron battery.

    Here is a brief chart outlining why lithium-iron batteries are better than lead acid batteries

    Lithium-Iron battery:

    Lead Acid battery:

    Here are some lithium-iron batteries for you to consider...

    What Fish Are Attracted To Green Light?

    Whether you go fishing in freshwater or saltwater, the types of fishes attracted to green light are different.

    We will highlight the species of fishes in both these types of water below.


    Pacific coast: surfperch, corbina, jacksmelt, bonito, mackerel, halibut, bass, croakers

    East coast – gulf side: mackerel, kingfish, tarpon, cobia, bluefish and sharks

    East coast – Atlantic side: redfish, whiting, pompano, tarpon, snapper, wahoo, sheepshead, flounder, jack, bluefish, sea trout, black drum, croaker, and grouper.


    Crappie, walleye, perch, catfish, trout, bass (stripped bass)

    These are just some of the fish types which are attracted to the green fishing light. There are quite a few more as well.


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    Where Is The Best Place To Night Fish With Submersible Light?

    The versatility of green light for night fishing is that you can use it in freshwater and saltwater.

    You can use it in a pond, lake, river, or sea if you want to use it in any of these places. It is also great for use in bays as well as backwaters.

    The applications of such a light are endless.

    Off all the places to use your light, shallow areas that quickly transition to deep water are great. 

    Even more so, if you can find a location that normally would have some sort of manmade or natural current (like a) is going to further increase your chances of choosing a great fishing spot.

    Here is a list of great locations you should consider using your green light for fishing:

    • Docks
    • Piers
    • Channel swings
    • Main lake points
    • Ledges
    • Bluff walls
    • Main lake or off-shore humps

    When Is Best Time of Year For Fishing With Green Submersible Light?

    Summer is the preferred time to use your fishing light, but you can nearly catch using a green light all year round.

    In the summer fish have the highest metabolism when compared to any other time of the year and therefore are the most active.

    In addition, moonless nights or nights with a breeze will also increase the chances of having a great fishing night.

    So be sure to anchor down over one of these high-production spots that was mentioned in the previous section so it can yield non-stop action.  

    What Are The Best Lures To Use For Underwater Green Fishing Lights?

    Green fishing lights can attract the fish to the lure. However, if the lure is not up to the mark, you cannot get a great catch.

    For night fishing NOTHING beats live bait. Using live minnows, shiners, and baby bream can catch your limit within an hour!

    Real bait or frozen bait (chicken livers, squid, clams, or frozen sardine chunks) will also work phenomenally.

    However, if you do not have any (or if you run out of) live bait or frozen bait, then you need to resort to using artificial lures.

    Below I created a list of artificial baits that have been proven to work.  But BE WARNED this is a very partial list, there are other lures that are great but I just can list every bait that works! 

    Before you go out and buy any of these products, check your state and local laws for using artificial lures.

    Saltwater Night Fishing Lures

    Acme Kastmaster Lure, Chrome/Neon Blue, 1-Ounce
    Acme Kastmaster Lure, Chrome/Neon Blue, 1-Ounce
    Field tested by expert anglers; Made to last; Built using the highest quality materials; Ideal for salmon, steelhead, and many salt water species
    Hopkins Towing Solutions 1/2S Shorty Hammered Spoon w/Plain Treble, 1 1/2', 1/8 oz Stainless Steel
    Hopkins Towing Solutions 1/2S Shorty Hammered Spoon w/Plain Treble, 1 1/2", 1/8 oz Stainless Steel
    Item Package Dimension: 5.599999994287999L x 1.3999999985719997W x 0.49999999949H inches; Item Package Weight - 0.022046001186074866 Pounds
    Capt Jay Fishing Bucktail Jig Saltwater jig Fluke Lure Striper bass Blue Fish Tuna jig Lure Surf Fishing Saltwater Jigging jig (1.5Oz-SBW, 1.5Oz-45G(1Pcs))
    Capt Jay Fishing Bucktail Jig Saltwater jig Fluke Lure Striper bass Blue Fish Tuna jig Lure Surf Fishing Saltwater Jigging jig (1.5Oz-SBW, 1.5Oz-45G(1Pcs))
    5 pcs Value package Bucktail Jig mixed colors in One Easy- to-Carry Mesh bag.; 3D eyes and scaled holographic Bait fish body.
    Sea Striker PE34W6 Popeye Bucktail Jigs, 3/4-Ounce, 7/0 Hook, White, 6-Pack
    Sea Striker PE34W6 Popeye Bucktail Jigs, 3/4-Ounce, 7/0 Hook, White, 6-Pack
    Popeye Jig is tied with natural buck tail; Popeye Jig is tied with natural buck tail; Popeye Jig is tied with natural buck tail
    Big Hammer Jig Head with 4/0 Hook, Red, 1-Ounce
    Big Hammer Jig Head with 4/0 Hook, Red, 1-Ounce
    These heads and the Big Hammer Tails work well for almost any fish anywhere, salt or fresh
    Berkley Gulp! Grub - GSG5-WH,White,5in
    Berkley Gulp! Grub - GSG5-WH,White,5in
    Ideal on jigs or as a trailer; Favorite for all SW species when targeting big fish; Proven tail action design swims under all conditions
    −$0.61 Amazon Prime

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    Crappie Night Fishing Lures

    Trout Night Fishing Lures

    Berkley PowerBait Natural Scent Trout Bait, Garlic, 1.75 oz
    Berkley PowerBait Natural Scent Trout Bait, Garlic, 1.75 oz
    Natural scent trout bait smells and tastes like live bait; Scientifically proven to outperform salmon eggs and all other prepared baits
    Amazon Prime
    Berkley PowerBait Natural Scent Trout Bait Cheese, 1 pack
    Berkley PowerBait Natural Scent Trout Bait Cheese, 1 pack
    Natural scent trout bait smells and tastes like live bait; Scientifically proven to outperform salmon eggs and all other prepared baits
    Amazon Prime
    Berkley Gulp! Floating Pinched Crawler Nightcrawler, 2-Inch
    Berkley Gulp! Floating Pinched Crawler Nightcrawler, 2-Inch
    This floating pinched crawler bait is great for trout and panfish; Smaller presentation when fish are less likely to bite a larger bait
    Amazon Prime
    Acme Spoons Freshwater SW105/CHCS Kastmaster Spoon, 13/8', 1/8 oz, Chrome & Chartreuse
    Acme Spoons Freshwater SW105/CHCS Kastmaster Spoon, 13/8", 1/8 oz, Chrome & Chartreuse
    Number one in fishing sports; Manufactured in the country of China; Made of the highest quality material

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    Bass Night Fishing Lures

    Striped Bass Night Fishing Lures

    Acme Kastmaster Lure, Chrome/Neon Blue, 1-Ounce
    Acme Kastmaster Lure, Chrome/Neon Blue, 1-Ounce
    Field tested by expert anglers; Made to last; Built using the highest quality materials; Ideal for salmon, steelhead, and many salt water species
    Hopkins Towing Solutions 1/2S Shorty Hammered Spoon w/Plain Treble, 1 1/2', 1/8 oz Stainless Steel
    Hopkins Towing Solutions 1/2S Shorty Hammered Spoon w/Plain Treble, 1 1/2", 1/8 oz Stainless Steel
    Item Package Dimension: 5.599999994287999L x 1.3999999985719997W x 0.49999999949H inches; Item Package Weight - 0.022046001186074866 Pounds
    War Eagle Custom Lures Jigging Spoon Fishing Lure with Built-in Swivel and EWG Treble Hook, Nickel, 7/8 oz
    War Eagle Custom Lures Jigging Spoon Fishing Lure with Built-in Swivel and EWG Treble Hook, Nickel, 7/8 oz
    Most sought after jigging spoon on the market; Features a built in swivel to prevent line twist
    −$1.00 Amazon Prime
    War Eagle Custom Lures Jigging Spoon Fishing Lure with Built-in Swivel and EWG Treble Hook, Billy's Special, 7/8 oz
    War Eagle Custom Lures Jigging Spoon Fishing Lure with Built-in Swivel and EWG Treble Hook, Billy's Special, 7/8 oz
    Most sought after jigging spoon on the market; Features a built in swivel to prevent line twist
    War Eagle Custom Lures Jigging Spoon Fishing Lure with Built-in Swivel and EWG Treble Hook, Purple Shad, 1/2 oz
    War Eagle Custom Lures Jigging Spoon Fishing Lure with Built-in Swivel and EWG Treble Hook, Purple Shad, 1/2 oz
    Most sought after jigging spoon on the market; Features a built in swivel to prevent line twist

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    Walleye Night Fishing Lures

    Rapala Rippin' Rap 07 Fishing lure, 2.75-Inch, Gold Chrome
    Rapala Rippin' Rap 07 Fishing lure, 2.75-Inch, Gold Chrome
    Tall, Skinny Body Shape; Distinctive Loud BB Rattle System; Lipless Design; Hard Vibrating Action
    −$1.00 Amazon Prime
    Strike King REYESDTT12-450 Red Eyed Shad Tungsten 2 Tap, Delta Red
    Strike King REYESDTT12-450 Red Eyed Shad Tungsten 2 Tap, Delta Red
    Unique tungsten sound chamber; Perfect shad-imitating body profile; Pro-designed paint jobs
    Amazon Prime
    Booyah BYHKR3425 Hard Knocker Bait, Chrome Black
    Booyah BYHKR3425 Hard Knocker Bait, Chrome Black
    Country Of Origin: China; Package Weight: 1.15 Pounds; Package Dimensions: 10.16 L X 3.175 W X 3.175 H (Centimeters)
    Live Target GS60SK210 4484-1123 Golden Shiner Fishing Equipment,Multicolored
    Live Target GS60SK210 4484-1123 Golden Shiner Fishing Equipment,Multicolored
    Country Of Origin: China; Item Package Dimensions: 1.7 L X 5 W X 10.8 H (Cm); Item Package Weight: 0.04 kgs
    Acme Kastmaster Fishing Lure, Chrome Fluorescent, 3/4 oz. (SW115/CHFS)
    Acme Kastmaster Fishing Lure, Chrome Fluorescent, 3/4 oz. (SW115/CHFS)
    Wild action without line twist; Aerodynamic design; Precision Machined; Use in fresh or saltwater
    Amazon Prime
    Hopkins 45SBW Shorty Single White Bucktail, 1/2 oz
    Hopkins 45SBW Shorty Single White Bucktail, 1/2 oz
    Features a compact profile and thicker body; Natural swimming action; Forged from solid stainless steel Stock, not cast or stamped like other Spoons
    South Bend Sporting Goods Luhr Jensen Crippled Herring Lure, Nickel/Neon Blue Back, 4-Inch (644161)
    South Bend Sporting Goods Luhr Jensen Crippled Herring Lure, Nickel/Neon Blue Back, 4-Inch (644161)
    VMC treble hook included in packaging up to size 112; Precision-engineered for maximum action
    Acme Little Cleo Classic Lure Kit, Multicolor
    Acme Little Cleo Classic Lure Kit, Multicolor
    Sport type: Outdoor Lifestyle; Durable product; Manufactured in China; Durable and long lasting

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    Catfish Night Fishing Lures

    How Long Do You Wait Before Moving Spots?

    It depends on what you’re seeing below the surface.

    Typically you should start seeing glass minnows within the first 10-15 minutes.

    Then, within the first 30-45 minutes you should start to see shad, herring, and other larger bait fish starting to circle the green light.

    Finally within an hour you should start to see some predator fish swimming through the light if not attacking the bait fish. 

    When Would You Want To Use A Green Fishing Light Over A Light Up Bobber?

    If you’re fishing cut bait or live bait you’ll quickly notice they don’t light up on their own.  So naturally, you’ll want to draw attention to your bait. 

    Night fishing with a light-up bobber will show you if you can a bite, but it won’t call in the fish like a LED fishing light.

    So, if you want to catch fish during the night, green light fishing is the best option for you.

    With our guide above, you can buy the best green fishing light and know how you can get a huge catch as well. 

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    [1] –source

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